
قرار اليوم ٩سبتمبر ٢٠٢١ تعيين د.يسريه نور الدين محمود محمد رئيسا للجنة الاعلامية ومستشار اعلامي للجمعية لتكون مسؤولة عن الموقع الإلكتروني للجمعية وعن صفحات مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي المختلفة للجمعية وتم تفويضهافي اختيار فريق العمل المعاون لها متي احتاج الأمر ذلك والله الموفق والمستعان د.عصام قرطام رئيس مجلس ادارة الجمعية

يتم الآن الاعداد لإقامة معرض للملابس المستعمله لصالح الغير قادرين وذلك ضمن أولويات الجمعية صرح بذلك د. عصام قرطام رئيس مجلس الإدارة. والجمعية تقوم بتلقى الملابس حاليا ويتم الفرز ووضع اسعار رمزية وسوف يتم الإعلان عن موعد ومكان إقامة المعرض قريبا تبرع بملابسك الزائدة وشارك فإنها تقع فى يد الله اولا الجمعية تقبل كل المساهمات العينية (شماعات – استاندات- شنط بلاستيك -اكياس ) وكذلك تقبل التبرعات النقدية جعله الله فى ميزان حسناتنا جميعا . و ذلك رغبةً منا في رسم ابتسامه و لو صغيره علي وجه المحتاجين قدركم الله علي العطاء دائما

Khair Bela Hodood announces its symbiotic program to support young dentists

The Egyptian Dentists Khair Without Borders Association revealed its symbiotic program for dentists and other affiliates of all other professions, for its solidarity program by providing health and social care and providing the necessary support for young dentists in their professional lives.Dr. Essam Kartam, Chairman of the Society’s Board of Directors, explained that the...

Establishing the first social association to care for dentists

Establishing the first social association to care for dentistsBooks by Mahmoud KamalToday, a meeting of Cairo University dentists was held in 1984, and the establishment was announcedA specialized association for social solidarity affiliated with the Ministry of Social SolidarityIn all social activities, it includes benefits in cases of death, disability, and illnessAnd holding seminars,...

Why is Khair Without Borders Association for Dentists – Egypt under establishment?

By:Dr. Essam KortamThe Chairman of the Society's Board of Directors raised the idea of ​​many colleagues, doctors of the 1984 class, the idea of ​​an informal, informal gathering concerned with the symbiotic affairs of dentists in Egypt. Contributing to his problems, solving his problems suspended in society, contributing to the community of dentists by...

Dentists establish the “Good Without Borders” association to serve the community

A group of dentists launched an initiative to establish a charity named "Good Without Borders", with the aim of contributing to social activities and solidarity for sick and death cases, A group of dentists launched an initiative to establish a charity named "Good Without Borders", with the aim of contributing to social activities and solidarity...

Kortam: New services for members of the “Good Without Borders Egyptian Dentists Association”

Yesterday, the board of directors of the Egyptian Dentists Association Khair Without Borders held a meeting chaired by Dr. Essam Kortam, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and in the presence of the Business Administration Committee It was agreed to activate the members' Takaful Fund to be a social umbrella and support for the doctor...